Hey people! How is it going? am back again! this time we are treating a very vital topic that affects the total man.
Whatever we do in life, our mind is the engine room where success or failure is determined. So lets talk about it.
The analogy here is the ice berg as you can see in the diagram. You probably know that only
about 10 percent of an iceberg actually shows above water and that about 90% is
below water.
Well that’s the way the mind is as well with one key difference. With
the mind, most of it is below the level of consciousness, below the water and
only a little tiny bit is above the water which we can naturally see.
With the mind about 99.99% is below water and
invisible and only about, 0.1% is actually visible in your conscious thought. Now
what do you think is in that whole realm of the unconscious? You’re right! Things
like beliefs, identity, self-image, your view of what reality is, what’s
possible, and the ability to create optimism.
Actually even your habits of thought
are in your unconscious mind. And you can learn all the fancy creative thinking
and logic exercises that you want, but if your unconscious mind is wired wrong,
none of it will work. And if some of it just work a little bit, you will forget
it because it’s not permanently wired into your unconscious.
Therefore until
you discover how to let go of your outdated beliefs and inefficient mental
habits and change your image of yourself, only then can techniques actually
The unconscious is the key!
What you have in your unconscious mind
practically rules your life. The process of configuring the unconscious mind is
same as that used in programming a computer. In a computer, structured data is transferred
in bits and gradually builds into a complete program with time. So also the
mind is programmed by repeated hearing, thinking, and saying and doing in a
particular procedure hereby making the individual act even when he is not
thinking about such things anymore, he just does them without any stress at
This is why some people cannot help themselves when it comes to habits. In
a man, what we see and hear develop into thoughts and then form our words and
hereafter become our action which later develop into our habits when done
repeatedly; and then our habits determine our destiny.
You can begin today to
recreate your destiny by consciously changing the things you listen to and see.
Stay Blessed!
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