
Showing posts from June 10, 2015


Good morning friends and welcome to another beautiful day! This day is full of opportunities that we must recognize and maximize to realize our dreams and achieve our goals. I pray for you today that you won’t miss your opportunities In Jesus Name! Our focus today is on this particular virtue which every man and woman who seek to be influential and command respect must possess. Defined as compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others, Charisma is the ability to draw people to you. If we must achieve our goals in life, we must know how to attract people to ourselves and this is charisma. You can do this not just by talking to people about yourself, but talking to yourself about people, which also is thinking about people, finding out something good about them and devising ways to add something to make them better. Someone once said, “The most pleasant sound to peoples ears is their name” In the same way, people love you more when you talk about them r