
Showing posts from October, 2015


Hey people! How is it going? am back again! this time we are treating a very vital topic that affects the total man. Whatever we do in life, our mind is the engine room where success or failure is determined. So lets talk about it. The analogy here is the ice berg as you can see in the diagram. You probably know that only about 10 percent of an iceberg actually shows above water and that about 90% is below water.  Well that’s the way the mind is as well with one key difference. With the mind, most of it is below the level of consciousness, below the water and only a little tiny bit is above the water which we can naturally see.   With the mind about 99.99% is below water and invisible and only about, 0.1% is actually visible in your conscious thought. Now what do you think is in that whole realm of the unconscious? You’re right! Things like beliefs, identity, self-image, your view of what reality is, what’s possible, and the ability to create optimism.  Actually eve